I wonder what it must have been like for Jesus to know when He was going to die. For some time, He had hinted at it, trying to tell his disciples what was in store. It's not the sort of thing one just blurts out. His disciples probably didn't want to hear something like that. And why would they believe him? That's not where things were headed. This was the Messiah, ready to lead them to freedom from their oppressors.
But there I go, associating with the disciples. I normally default to asking myself, "How did they receive and understand what Jesus was saying?" But what about Jesus Himself? How did He feel having to tell them something like this. To know that something so grave awaited Him, and that no one really believed Him. No one could, it seems, would or could sympathize with what was He was going to go through. How alone would He have felt? He had no doubts about His purpose and what was ahead, but that doesn't mean He had to like it, or that He wouldn't have appreciated his followers to walk beside Him instead of running away. I sometimes picture Jesus as pretty emotionless, but I'm sure it wasn't easy to live with that knowledge for so long.
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