Monday, March 21, 2011

The Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13

I like reading commentaries on passages like this one.  There are some things in it that don't really make sense, and sometimes reading other people's more informed takes on it is helpful.  But still, why couldn't they have just shared the lamps?  Or why wouldn't they let them in once they showed up?  Etc. Etc.

What you get from most of the commentaries that I looked at involves something to do with tribulation, millenialism (of one kid or another), or some sort of explanation of all the details with regards to someone's chosen eschatology.

But what if the point is just simple.  The foolish virgins should have known better (that's implied).  It's a wedding. At least nowadays, everything is planned out to the hilt.  I imagine brides have always been worried about their weddings, but that's an assumption.  Anyway, when you know you're supposed to be prepared, then be prepared.  That's it.

We know that we are supposed to be prepared.  It matters little how everything will pan out in the end.  Or when.  What matters is that we are prepared.  So, just be prepared already.

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