Thursday, September 15, 2011

Did they have WCB back then?

Luke 1:18-25

So Zechariah had this vision of an angel telling him he's going to have a baby.  He responds in disbelief, because he and his wife are too old... yes too old to being the child bearing.  So, the angel makes him mute.  Strange thing to have happen, really.  Why mute?  Why not... boils... or lame?  I think in the same situation, Sarah had nothing happen to her when she laughed at the messenger, and then lied about it.  Anyway, he's mute, and can't tell the others what just happened to him, although they can tell something is up.  Oh, and the most interesting part is that he stuck around until his shift was over at the temple.  I think maybe they could have let him get off earlier.  At least there weren't any WCB forms to fill out.

It's pretty cool when God answers someone's prayer.  Just think of how many years Elizabeth would have prayed for a child, apparently to no avail.  Then, when she is old, and past the time of even having a chance to have a child, so is blessed with a pregnancy.  Just imagine the overwhelming sense of joy that she would have had.  It seems sometimes like God doesn't answer our prayers, but I think He always does.  Just not always have we expect or when we expect.

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