Saturday, May 02, 2015

Thinking for Ourselves

Luke 2:41-52

     As a parent, I think it would have been nice of Jesus to let his folks know what he was doing, don't ya think?  I mean they are leaving the city to head home and then they can't find him anywhere.  Of course, they could have kept closer tabs on him, but a 12 year old boy probably had a lot of latitude back in those days.  I do suppose that Jesus would have had a hard time trying to explain himself if he had asked for permission to stay back.  I'm not sure how to take this one.  Obviously, He isn't sinning or anything here.  I suppose this is one of those times where he doesn't work within the conventions set out for him.  At the end of this episode, the author does make sure he points out that Jesus went with his parents and was obedient to them.  And I think if you look at the water into wine miracle, Jesus showed at least some deference to his mom in that instance.

     I think I understand better what was going on with Jesus and teachers now that I have a bit of history to go with it.  From what I understand, regular teacher/ disciple arrangements basically involved learning and memorizing all of the reasons why such and such is the way it is and so on and so on.  I don't get the impression that Jesus had any sort of knowledge that God hadn't already made available.  He didn't have to conform to how he was expected to learn and think because he wasn't afraid of what people would think of him.  He allowed himself to ponder the scriptures and understand them and allow God to speak to him.  He didn't wait for someone to tell him what he was supposed to believe.  I think that's why everyone was so amazed at his understanding and his answers.  This is also why he will amaze the crowds with his teachings when he begins his ministry years later.
     If we believe that what was available to him is also available to us, then we can also have a full understanding of what God wants from us and what God has given us.  But of course that involves some work and dedication, both of which are lacking in me at times.  Jesus was confident in who he was in the Father, and I think that is where it must start with us as well;  confidence in Him and not being afraid of what others might think (whatever authority or peer figure they may be).

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