I love this story. It's so real. The leaders are trying to back Jesus into a corner (again) and get Him to admit to where His authority comes from. Likely, they figure they know how He will answer and have all their arguments laid out. But He makes them look foolish. He asks them instead where John's baptism is from- God or man. The leaders know that either way they answer, they will answer wrong. It didn't really matter what they really thought. Which is the odd part. If they would have thought through their answer, at least they would have thought about it. Sometimes you need to think things through. But, they just dismiss it. What a shame. They aren't really interested in the truth. They just want to advance their agenda. That's how people are, I guess. Too often the truth gets lost in the details, or the argument, or whatever. Then we look all the more foolish for it, and try all the harder to defend our position. I'm sure the leaders didn't appreciate the push back from Jesus, and perhaps this humiliation dealt to them (deserved as it was) made them all the more sure of their decision to get rid of this upstart.
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