Monday, May 02, 2011

Suffering and Sleeping

Matthew 26:36-46

Jesus really didn't want to go through with what was ahead of Him.  Can you blame Him?  He knew very well what the significance of it all was, but that didn't make it any more pleasant or bearable.  I think of child birth.  Having watched my wife go through it several times now, the last ones without any drugs to aid in the pain,  I'm amazed she still considers the possibility of going through it all again.  But she does.  The final result is awesome, as you have a new little one, but that doesn't make what she has to go through any easier while she is going through it.  Or even before she does, as I can see that sense of dread start to settle into her.  But she still goes through with it (not that she has much choice at that point!)

Jesus knew what was coming, and how... unpleasant it would be.  He didn't want to go through with it, but He knew He had to, and He did.  I like the humanness that this passage gives to Jesus.  He's very relate-able through it.

As for the disciples, I think it's hard to relate with someone else's pain at the best of times.  But they were in a situation they didn't fully grasp.  They didn't realize what was coming, but they still could have comforted their friend in this obviously trying time.  Maybe men didn't really do such things in that time and place?  I don't think anything lets them off the hook, but it keeps with their character.  I fall asleep praying.  Not saying it's good, just that it happens.  I probably would have, too.  I wonder if that was pretty frustrating for Jesus?  The whole affair must have been really, but we'll get to that soon.

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